Hi! I’m Louise……

Me in Queenstown

Thank you for visiting my site! I hope to inspire you to see more of the world by sharing my experiences, photos, thoughts and feelings as I travel to different places. Travel can be enlightening, an important part of self-discovery and often life-changing.

I have been a lover of discovering new places and exploring my whole life, whether it be a small town a few hours away in my home country of the UK or somewhere way off the beaten track on the other side of the world. There is so much to discover out there!

Going on family road trips in the UK and holidays in Europe as a child instigated a deep love for travel and exploring that continues to develop. Still today, I get that incredible feeling of excitement when I arrive in a new place.

I enjoy the feeling of finding out what makes a place the way it is by digging underneath the layers and being as open as possible to the things it has to offer. I feel that travel is something everyone should experience as often as they can, whether it’s discovering the back streets of your nearest city or taking a trip further afield to a place that has a totally different culture to your own.

I aspire to encourage others to travel and to take themselves out of their comfort zones. It is incredibly good for your soul and it has really enriched my life. I ask that if something I write about particularly resonates with you or you have an experience to share about a particular place, please leave a comment. I am always happy to talk about travel experiences and I would love to hear your thoughts!

If you’d like to know a bit more about me and how I got started with creating this site, or if you’d like to ask me any other questions, please contact me at curiousfootsteps@icloud.com. Thanks for dropping by and enjoy my site.

Happy Travels!

Louise x

Founder of Curious Footsteps